**Installation Method Sharing — Upper Inlet**
Today we would like to share a successful case at Steel Plant in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. There are 2 condensate inlets on Super Trap energy saving auto drain.From following pictures you may find the correct installation method for upper inlet.
💡Super Trap motorized ball valve energy-saving condensate drain are widely used in air compressors, dryers, tanks, filters and other compressed air system related equipment, which can effectively remove condensate and impurities and achieve excellent energy-saving effects.
**節能好幫手 Installation Method Sharing**
本次分享高雄鋼鐵廠正確安裝案例,由圖片中可知,能揚Super Trap節能排水器共有上下二個冷凝水入水口,若選擇上方入水口,敬請參考圖示說明及案例照片喔~
#能揚 #SuperAir #supertrap #無耗氣自動排水器 #球閥節能排水器 #節能補助 #能揚快報 #ESG #hotproduct #indonesia #energysaving #condensate #solution
1130305 installation performance-EN
  • Super Trap Motorized Ball Valve Zero Air Loss Condensate Drains
*Performance*Installation Method Sharing — Upper Inlet